Global Revival Network Bible College
Preparing men and women of God for their critical role in the Final Great Awakening
The Global Revival Network Bible College is very different in many ways from traditional Bible Colleges and training institutes.  One of
those ways is in our extreme emphasis on the Bible as the primary and often sole source of textbook materials for many of our courses.  
There is a very real reason for this.  As we have examined and interacted with various Seminaries and Bible Colleges down through the
years, several facts have become painfully obvious regarding their curricula.  Many years ago, the Founder and President of the Global
Revival Network Bible College was a student at a major university with a theology major, yet in all the years that he attended that
university, NOT ONCE was the Bible a REQUIRED TEXT for any of the theology courses he enrolled in.  Instead, the students were filled to
overflowing with the doctrines of men, something that Jesus Himself said made void, cancelled and supplanted the Word of God itself.  
Instead of studying and analyzing what the Holy Scriptures themselves said, the students were filled with the opinions and doctrines of
various theologians.  It has been our experience that at least 70% of the teachers, pastors and evangelists in America today have NEVER
read through their entire Bible EVEN ONCE!  This is an abomination against God and His Holy Word.  Instead of studying the Word of
God to show themselves approved, instead, our Seminaries and Bible Colleges have studied the words of men in order to show themselves
approved of men.  Shame on them!  Is it any wonder, then, that ministers regularly burn out and leave the ministry, or cave in to the
carnality of their congregations and preach uninspired, watered-down, powerless sermons which result in no lives being changed?  Our
founder and president, Dr. Ray Young, has personally read through the Holy Scriptures from
"Genesee to Maps" over a dozen times but he
considers himself a spiritual weakling in many ways, for his father knew a man in their little country church who read the Bible from cover
to cover an amazing NINETY-SIX TIMES!

While we at the Global Revival Network Bible College will not require you to read through your Bible 96 times before you graduate, we
have nonetheless mandated a non-negotiable policy regarding our students and the Word of God.  If you persist even to the point of earning
a one-year Certificate in Biblical Studies, you will read through most of the Bible before you earn that degree!  One of our critical missions
is to restore the authority and integrity of the Word of God in individual's lives on every subject and in every area.  You will find that as you
walk systematically through the Word of God during your first academic year, answer after answer and solution after solution will literally
jump out of the pages of your Bible into your eyes, ears and heart.  And, since faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God,
you will find your own faith growing by leaps and bounds as you allow the life stories of the great men and women of God to saturate your
soul.  By the time you have earned a two-year Associate Degree in Biblical Studies, you will have read through most of the Old Testament
and the New Testament again, this time in greater depth.  If you persist and earn a three-year Bachelors Degree in Ministry you will find that
you have read through the entire Bible TWICE, initially as an overview, and then a second time in far greater depth.  You will also find that
your personal faith and holiness will have become unimpeachable, and you will be able to do all things through Christ Jesus, Who has
strengthened you through His Holy Word.

It is for this reason that we at the Global Revival Network Bible College have mandated only ONE textbook deemed as necessary to
graduate from this educational institution, the holy, inalterable, literally accurate, divinely inspired Word of God.  In a few courses, we ask
the student to purchase a supplemental text for non-Biblical subjects, such as Biblical reference materials, but as a general rule we will
supply downloadable computer handouts to supplement the lectures, and copies of all of our Powerpoint materials are also available to be

With all of that in mind, here are the three undergraduate degrees which you may obtain through the Global Revival Network Bible
College.  Each degree is incremental and builds upon the previous degree.  As a general rule, the courses which must be taken are
non-negotiable, since our primary objective is to systematically teach the student the whole counsel of God.  After each course, your
knowledge of the mind of God will be dramatically increased and your ability to integrate that Word into the practical areas of your life will
be greatly strengthened.  May God richly bless you as you walk in faith and obedience to Him!
Course #
Course ID
Course Name
Credit Hours
BI 210
Principles of Bible Study
BI 220
Old Testament Survey I (Genesis - Nehemiah)
BI 230
Old Testament Survey II (Esther - Malachi)
BI 240
New Testament Survey I (The Four Gospels)
BI 250
New Testament Survey II (Acts - Revelation)
NT 400
Matthew and Mark
Luke and John
TH 310
Introduction to Doctrine (The Creeds)
NT 480
The Revelation of Jesus Christ I (Chaps 1-10)
NT 490
The Revelation of Jesus Christ II (Chaps 11-22)
Total Credit Hours ====>
Associate Degree in Biblical Studies -- Two Year Program

This is a course of study with a broader scope. Students receiving this degree are prepared for further study at the Ministerial
level. An Associates Degree is granted upon successful completion of 60 credit hours of course work, built upon the 30 hours
previously earned in the one-year Certificate program and including all of those courses.
Course #
Course ID
Course Name
Credit Hours
OT  300
The Pentateuch (Genesis -Deuteronomy)
OT 350
Wisdom Literature (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon and Job)
OT 360
OT 380
OT 340
The Psalms
NT 420
The Acts of the Apostles
NT 430
NT 470
TH 320
Ministry of the Holy Spirit
CH 340
The History of Pentecostalism
Total Credit Hours ====>
Bachelors Degree in Ministry -- Three Year Program

The Ministerial Diploma is a three-year theological program designed to prepare students for a Christ-centered ministry as
pastors and ministers. Under the instruction of academically and spiritually qualified faculty, students receive a sound
knowledge of the Word of God and worship. a student must complete 90 credit hours of study in order to qualify for a
ministerial diploma, building upon the 60 credit hours already earned in the two previous certificates.
Course #
Course ID
Course Name
Credit Hours
OT 310
The Time of the Judges (Joshua, Judges, Ruth and I & II Samuel)
OT 320
The Time of the Kings (I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles)
OT 330
The Time of the Exile (Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther and Daniel)
OT 370
Jeremiah, Lamentations and Ezekiel
OT 390
The Minor Prophets (Hosea - Malachi)
NT 440
I & II Corinthians and I & II Thessalonians
NT 450
Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians & Colossians
NT 460
The Pastoral Epistles and the General Epistles
TH 340
Divisive Doctrinal Issues
CH 310
Early Church Fathers
Total Credit Hours ====>
Some course substitutions may be made at the request of the student, provided that the course being substituted is comparable to the original course. For
example, CH 310, Early Church Fathers, might be replaced by CH 340, Protestantism, if the course were being offered at the time that the student was ready to
take the class. We will also allow some classes to be taken out of sequence, taking into consideration the fact that most students will not enter the pursuit of a
degree at the beginning of an academic year. Our only requirement is that in order for a student to receive any of the three certificates, ALL courses required for
that certificate MUST be taken and passed successfully.
 Additional degrees and programs will be added in the future as class enrollments grow and qualified
instructors become available. The Global Revival Network Bible College is committed to correctly training and raising up the full Five-Fold Ministry of Teachers,
Pastors, Evangelists, Prophets and Apostles. Masters Degree and Doctoral Degree programs are also available to those who complete these first three certificates
through our School of Apostles and Prophets (S.O.A.P.) The graduate courses concentrate on the nature, methods and anointing required to move in the two
highest offices in the Body of Christ.
Certificate in Biblical Studies -- One Year Program

This program is designed for the individual who desires a basic understanding of Biblical truths and also desires sufficient
Biblical understanding so as to be of assistance to the Pastor of his or her church in the various ministries offered by the
church (i.e. Sunday School
, etc.). 30 total credit hours required.